关于我 About me

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我是KaitoHH。HH是我的真实名字,Kaito来源于日本动漫的人物Kaito Kuroba。我主修软件工程,研究方向包括自然语言处理,深度学习等。我热爱编写代码来自动化我的日常生活,我也经常编写有趣的小程序和网站。

I’m KaitoHH. HH is my real name. Kaito is from Kaito Kuroba, a famous character from Japanese Comic and Animation. I major in software engineering, and my research includes NLP, deep learning, etc. I loves coding to automate my productivity. I also write tiny fun programs and websites at my leisure time.

My GPG Key ID: E8E2D99718ABC669
Key Fingerprint: 1FEF A1FC 44C2 08BD 9B8C A93F E8E2 D997 18AB C669
